International coverage
With TopLiner, you obtain non-cancellable top-up cover online for a term you decide on for your customers across the world.
TopLiner is a customised additional guarantee that is adjusted to your risks and needs
With TopLiner, top-up credit insurance included in your TradeLiner policy, Coface supports your commercial development domestically and abroad when traditional guarantees don’t do the job.
TopLiner is a top-up credit insurance cover for our TradeLiner clients.
If the insured company has obtained a guarantee that is lower than requested or no guarantee at all, TopLiner gives you the option of purchasing additional cover for selected clients and for a period defined in advance.
Coface puts its expertise at your disposal to give you an instant quote on the cost of your credit risk. You can then reconcile this with your net margin to check that your business transaction is still in credit.
Spletne storitve za stranke in zavarovalniške posrednike
CofaNet - Portal za stranke
Spletna platforma družbe Coface za upravljanje terjatev. Neposreden dostop do vseh orodij v skladu z vašo pogodbo.
Broker Portal
Platforma, namenjena zavarovalniškim posrednikom za spremljanje poslovanja in upravljanje portfelja strank.
iCON je poslovna informacijska rešitev, ki vam pomaga bolje razumeti tveganja. Naučite se, kako prepoznati finančno stanje svojih partnerjev in strank.
Inovativne in digitalne rešitve
iCON je poslovna informacijska rešitev, ki vam pomaga bolje razumeti tveganja. Naučite se, kako prepoznati finančno stanje svojih partnerjev in strank.
API Portal
Prenehajte preklapljati med različnimi programskimi aplikacijami. Raziščite Coface API in vse povezane rešitve za zavarovanje terjatev.